Main conclusion This paper reviews the importance, prospective and development of synthetic promoters reported in planta. A review of the synthetic promoters developed in planta would help researchers utilize the available resources and design new promoters to benefit fundamental research and agricultural applications. The demand for promoters for the improvement and application of transgenic techniques in research and agricultural production is increasing. Native/naturally occurring promoters have some limitations in terms of their induction conditions, transcription efficiency and size. The strength and specificity of native promoter can be tailored by manipulating its ‘ cis-architecture’ by the use of several recombinant DNA technologies. Newly derived chimeric promoters with specific attributes are emerging as an efficient tool for plant molecular biology.
In the last three decades, synthetic promoters have been used to regulate plant gene expression. To better understand synthetic promoters, in this article, we reviewed promoter structure, the scope of cis-engineering, strategies for their development, their importance in plant biology and the total number of such promoters (188) developed in planta to date; we then categorized them under different functional regimes as biotic stress-inducible, abiotic stress-inducible, light-responsive, chemical-inducible, hormone-inducible, constitutive and tissue-specific. Furthermore, we identified a set of 36 synthetic promoters that control multiple types of expression in planta. Additionally, we illustrated the differences between native and synthetic promoters and among different synthetic promoter in each group, especially in terms of efficiency and induction conditions.
As a prospective of this review, the use of ideal synthetic promoters is one of the prime requirements for generating transgenic plants suitable for promoting sustainable agriculture and plant molecular farming.
Full text of ' 5 mfi Manual de Plantas d e Costa R ica VOLUMEN Introduccion ISBN 1-930723-17-2 (ENTIRE WORK) ISBN 1-930723-24-5 (VOLUME I) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CONTROL NUMBER: Published on 2 August 2004. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, Volume 97 ISSN 0161-1542 Scientific Editor and Head, MBG Press: Victoria C. Hollowell Managing Editor: Amy McPherson Associate Editor: Diana Gunter Press Assistant: Kevin Brown Text Formatter: Barbara Mack Typesetting: Integrated Publishing Solutions, Grand Rapids, Michigan m ©2004 bv Missouri P.O. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Muchas personas, tanto costarricenses como extranjeros, han dedicado su vida al estudio de la riqueza biologica que alberga Costa Rica.
Lamentablemente, en los liltimos tiempos varias de ellas han fallecido, como Adelaida Chaverri, Luis Fournier, Joaquin Garcia Castro y Dora Emilia Mora de Retana, entre otras. La perdida mas reciente es la del Dr. Skutch, botanico, importante recolector de plantas, autor de muchos libros, ornitologo de renombre mundial e incansable amante de la naturaleza. En su homenaje, le dedicamos este volumen. In Memoriam Don Alexander F. Skutch 20 mayo 1904 - 12 mayo 2004 jFeliz centenario, don Alexander! JY feliz sea este dia tambien para esta su segunda patria, a la que usted ha sabido servir y retribuirle como uno de sus mejores hijos!
Luko Hilje Q. (Bioiogo) Extracto del panegirico que iba a publicarse con ocasion del centenaho de Don Alexander Skutch.
Rican i Rica knowledg leaves us with many rich memories. William C.