・Notification Center support on Mountain Lion. ・Retina Display support. ・Highlight connection item in server tree when automatic join on invite settings is off. ・Join invited channel when clicked on invitation notification. ・Use Twitter API to get Twitter profile image URLs. ・Fix missing people bug in user list.
Proxifier key crack portable alternative for mac. • View information on bandwidth usage as a colored diagram in real-time. • Maintain log files. • Log incoming and outgoing traffic also.
・Fix a bug where settings in numeric text fields could not be saved correctly on Mountain Lion. ・Fix a crashing bug on removing DCC connection. ・Fix typo in preferences dialog.
・Fix memory leaks. 2.30 23 Jan 2012. TheSEOShop.com.au, Great App - Perfect IRC Client Anyone wanting Colloquy after using this app must be on drugs. Colloquy is one of the ugliest, meanest looking app’s I’ve ever seen, but I guess it was built for a particular generation of people who never really used IRC “back in the day”. Best feature of Limechat over wht I would consider to be it’s main competiton (Textual) is that it has an easily customisable theming system. Nothing like getting that old green on black terminal look up and running to take me back to the early 90’s. TheSEOShop.com.au, Great App - Perfect IRC Client Anyone wanting Colloquy after using this app must be on drugs.
Colloquy is one of the ugliest, meanest looking app’s I’ve ever seen, but I guess it was built for a particular generation of people who never really used IRC “back in the day”. Best feature of Limechat over wht I would consider to be it’s main competiton (Textual) is that it has an easily customisable theming system. Nothing like getting that old green on black terminal look up and running to take me back to the early 90’s.
LimeChat 是一個使用 RubyCocoa 開發的用於 Mac OS X 的免費和開源的 IRC 客戶端,旨在為那些對於在線聊天網絡如何工作以及經驗豐富的用戶提供很少知識的新手提供工具,使他們的在線交流變得簡單,穩定,盡可能多才多藝。這個應用程序是在 2007 年由單一開發人員 Satoshi Nakagawa 創建的,最初運行在 RubyCocoa 編程語言上,並於 2010 年移植到 Objective-C。憑藉良好的用戶界面和 GPL 軟件許可下的免費訪問,任何人都可以在 Mac 上安裝這個小巧輕便的應用程序,並完全控制他們的 IRC 聊天. 實際上,LimeChat for Mac 看起來非常簡單,更專注於提供服務器和房間狀態的功能分解,而不是令人滿意的用戶,其設計引人注目。應用程序只有單獨的窗口分成幾個部分,涵蓋了您將需要的一切。由於缺乏視覺風格,大部分的服務和功能只能通過鍵盤快捷鍵來激活,這對於那些不使用鼠標的用戶來說,更多的是用來解決所有問題的專業用戶。 即使這個應用程序幾乎沒有屏幕上的工具來管理當前的 IRC 聊天會話,它有一個相當全面的首選項屏幕,容納了幾十個調整,使您的聊天會議更符合您的需求和口味。配置選項涵蓋了文本突出顯示,界面選項,主題,事件和幾個高級工具之間的所有內容。 LimeChat 的一些主要功能: 一個窗口用於多個服務器。豐富的鍵盤快捷鍵為您舒適的操作。光速穩定。注意:需要 64 位處理器.