Apple subsidiary FileMaker, Inc. Has announced the end of its Bento database application for OS X. FileMaker’s official announcement, verbatim: FileMaker, Inc. Is increasing its focus on FileMaker Product Line software.
Thanks to the ease of creating iPad and iPhone solutions, our customers’ use of FileMaker on iOS is growing rapidly. Our increased focus will create an even better experience for these customers. As part of our sharpened focus, we will stop further development of the Bento consumer products. Bento for iPad, iPhone and Mac will continue to be available on the FileMaker Store, and the App Store and Mac App Store, through September 30, 2013. We will provide technical support for Bento products through July 30, 2014. We thank you for your support of Bento. We know that many Bento customers will be disappointed.
FileMaker Pro, our powerful yet easy-to-use business database software, will be appropriate for certain users of Bento for Mac. We encourage Bento for Mac customers to visit our “” page to understand the differences between Bento and FileMaker Pro and to download a free trial of FileMaker Pro. Read the Knowledge Base answer for more information on the Bento transition.
Source: FileMaker, Inc. Related articles: – April 2, 2010 – December 8, 2009 – March 18, 2008 – November 13, 2007. I run my 3 man LAW OFFICE on Bento. Those of you here who say Bento “is not enough” probably never fully explored how double jointed Bento can be.
On it I keep: 1- All case notes, 2- client contact info, 3- hot link direct to client folder, 4- invoicing, 5- trust account, 6- office checkbook, 7- trust checkbook, 8- to do list separate for each client, 9-launcher for legal forms. 10- launcher for all my fax cover sheets (45+), 11-employee hours, 12- milage, 13- various accounting items and spreadsheet uses, 14- also use it a calculator with paper tape, 15- track office expenses. AND IT HAS REPLACED MANY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS OF SPECIFIC SOFTWARE, and you can make a nice looking database in just a few minutes. It is not “flat” nor “pretty flat” its a relational database with “one level down.” My next project is to do employee payroll on it. HanDBase was recommended as a very good DB app where the workflow is primarily on the mobile device. DDH Software has both Windows and Mac desktops, but the Mac desktop pretty much sucks. Instead, the developer has provided an X11 cross platform Handbase desktop app that works essentially like the Windows desktop except on Mac OSX.
It works, but adds an unnecessary level of complexity to working with your Handbase files. I’ve suggested to David Haupert repeatedly that an iCloud or Dropbox interface is sorely needed. He just hasn’t pulled the trigger. If you need robust desktop DB applications, then Access or Filemaker are better choices than Bento. Filemaker has a mobile app. Both are overly complex and way over the top pricewise for normal mortals, which is why no enthusiastic recommendation for them will ever ever grace my lips.
Bento was a fundamentally handicapped app. After attempting to migrate some of my HanDBase stuff to Bento I came to realize it was a pretty flat file manager in OSX and almost unusable in iOS due to a very limited and uncomfortable UI in iOS. For about a year I used Bento on my MacMini as a reporting app, dumping HanDBase files into Bento because HanDBase’s reporting capabilities were inferior. Finally gave that up as too much work for too little benefit. Ultimately, for standalone use on iOS, nothing else, that I’ve tried, compares to HanDBase. That includes TapForms. Like ALL the iWork apps!
Sorry, Predrag, I think you meant iWork, rather than iLife. BJT, the idea behind all the iWork apps seemed to be to have non-Pro apps for non-Pro uses. Pages cannot do a great many things a Word expert feels are needed/useful, but works exceptionally well for lighter-duty work. The same with Numbers – it may not be up to doing the book-keeping for a Fortune 500 business but it can certainly handle our integrated, multi-generational household. A little rethinking of Bento and it could fit in with those other household-level players. While FileMaker is a superior database product, who needs to hire a DB-manager to keep track of their silverware, their kid’s soccer team, or the details of next summer’s vacation!
How about you bundle it with iWork, at the iWork price, and do just a little feature-creep on it. It’s not like you’ve done a huge amount of work on iWork ’09, other than adding the iCloud interface.
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