Here are the latest versions of the animation plugins, and the rig packages. Blender Plugins Blender Rigs These are.blend files that have the skeleton, meshes, morphs, and textures loaded for your convenience.
You can make them yourself using some of the plugin options, but it is easier just to download them. Remember you can customize them later if needed.
Sim Rigs Baby, Toddler, Child, Adult male/female.blend files Pet Rigs Kitten,Cat,Puppy,Little Dog, Big Dog, Foal, Horse.blend files. Only download this if you have the Pets EP and are interested in making poses or animations for your pets. Alternate Download Links. Hi Darth Maul Jr/Sal, no your comments were not deleted. WordPress has an antispam thing that seems to be quite aggressive until it figures out what is relevant to a particular blog.
It sends me an email asking me to approve when it’s algorithm is unsure if it is spam or not. I was busy in real life and then forgot my wordpress password and couldn’t “approve” comments until later. Back to your original question, which rigs are you trying to animate eyes/mouth on?
I just tried on adult female rig and it works for me. Were you unable to find the bone for eyelids and mouth?
The face bones are jumbled together and hard to find the right one sometimes in the 3d view. You can search in the hierarchy panel on the right for “lid” for example to do the eyelids. Picture in link below in case it helps. And for the tongue, you can rotate the bjaw bone on the gimbal x-axis to open/close the mouth. Btongue1 and btongue2 can be rotated and stretched with to get a 😛 face.
I admit that pose looks awful 🙂 But I just make the tools not the poses, and it’s 2:30am here. At the core of things, a “pose” is just an animation with one frame. If you pose the sim in multiple frames, you have an animation. I’m sorry, I don’t make tutorials for this, I just really make the tools(I am not an animator, never even made a real pose). The tutorials here made by orangemittens here do show the basics of how to get a pose/animation from blender into TS3, and there are other generic blender specific tutorials that will show how to add more frames to an animation. In plainest terms, set a pose just as OM’s tutorial says, then move to another frame in the timeline at the bottom, and make another pose.
You can click and drag on the timeline to watch blender transition from one pose to the next. The plugins will pickup the transitions and saving an animation is no different than saving a pose. There are also play, pause, stop, etc. Buttons at the bottom of blender to preview an animation that you made.
You may want to shorten the end time of the animation since it defaults at 250 frames, but the plugins will only export up to the last frame that you posed. In short, I’m not an animator, I just know the limitations of the plugins that I wrote, and have basic knowledge of how blender works. I know enough to test to make sure animations work but not enough to teach people how to make them.