Smartphones have a strong focus on media capabilities, especially mid-to-high-end models with gigabytes of storage. They give you internet connectivity, hours of music playback and even the ability to capture photos or videos with the click of a button. If you suspect that something is wrong with your children or your employees, one of the best places to look on their phone for confirmation is the video taken on their phone. But would a person really film anything incriminating? The answer is yes. They don’t expect you to be going through their video, photos and sound files. They’re certainly not going to put it on your shared PC, and not the oh-so-obvious thumb drive.
Sidaas, they keep it on the source it was created from, their smartphone. SPYERA. Spy on Photos Pictures speak a thousand words and now you need never be speechless thanks to SPYERA and its image capturing ability. SPYERA intelligently captures both images taken on their phone after SPYERA has been installed as well as any pictures taken before SPYERA was installed thanks to its historical media feature.
If anyone in your life is constantly taking pictures on their phone you need to take a closer look at SPYERA. If your Target is an iPhone, Android, BlackBerry or Symbian and you want to see what images they have on their phone and what images they take then only SPYERA offers the most comprehensive image capturing available. See all images they take on their phone. See all images already on their phone. Access all their images online from your web account.
Supports JPEG, GIF, BMP, EXIF, TIFF, RAW, PNG, PPM, PGM, PBM, PNM, ECW file formats. 30 MB file size limit for rapid image file uploading. Instantly see a thumbnail of all uploaded photos inside your online account Spy on Videos If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video says it all. See what videos they have on their phone and what videos they make then SPYERA and its video capturing feature is for you. See all video clips they take on their phone. See all video clips already on their phone.
Access all their videos online from your web account. Supports CGM, SVG, ODG, EPS, PDF, SWF, WMF, XPS, EMF, EMF+, EMZ, MP4, WMV, ASF, 3 GP, 3 G2, M4v, AVI file formats. 30 MB file size limit for rapid video file uploading Spy on Audio Nowadays people are using their smartphones more and more to record the world around them or listen to the latest music.
SPYERA’s audio capturing feature allows you to hear all audio files as well as memos that they create and have stored on their phone both before and after SPYERA has been installed. SPYERA and its audio capturing really can help. If your Target is an, ama, ama and you know someone who is always using it to record audio voice memo files or listen to music then you need SPYERA’s audio capture ability. Hear all audio and voice memo files they create on their phone.
Hear all audio and voice memo files already on their phone. Access all their audio and voice memo files online from your web account. Supports MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, AMR, AMRWM, QCP, WMA, MIDI, RA, PCM, AIFF, BWF, au, MP4, WAV file formats. 30 MB file size limit for rapid image file uploading Why Spying on Multimedia is Important? Everyone takes videos, photos and record voice memo on their smartphone or tablet.
SPYERA’s multimedia capturing feature gives you direct access to these multimedia files anytime you want directly from your SPYERA online account. SPYERA also captures videos, photos and other multimedia files on their phone both before and after SPYERA was installed thanks to the historical media feature.
Now you need never miss any vital multimedia files on their phone thanks to SPYERA. How to Spy on Multimedia Files? Here’s the guide for how to Spy on Multimedia! Step 1 - liisanka SPYERA Iibso. Waxaad heli doontaa ruqsada iyo account web faahfaahinta login by email. Step 2 – Get the target phone in your hand and install SPYERA and leave it back.
Uma baahnid inaad telefoonka bartilmaameedka dambe. Step 3 – Login to your web account and click Multimedia - You will have 3 options in this section. Viode – photos – Audios. All captures multimedia files and details will be listed. That’s all you need to do. You should now successfully Spy on Multimedia. © SPYERA 1999-2018.
Xuquuqda daabacaadu way xifdisan. SPYERA waxaa loogu talagalay carruurta la socodka, shaqaalaha ama smartphone in aad leedahay. Waxaa loo baahan yahay inaad soo sheegto milkiilaha aaladda in qalab la socdo. Waxaa mas'uul ka ah user ee SPYERA si loo ogaado, oo adeeca, dhammaan sharciyada lagu dabaqi karo ee dalkooda ku saabsan isticmaalka SPYERA. Haddii aad shaki ka, la tasho qareen maxaliga ah ka hor inta la isticmaalayo SPYERA. By degsado iyo ku rakibidda SPYERA, wakiil kaa ah in SPYERA waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa in kaliya hab xalaal. Gelitaanka fariimaha SMS dadka kale & hawlaha phone kale ama ku rakibidda SPYERA telefoonka qof kale oo aan aqoontooda la oran karo waa sida hawlaha sharci darro ah ee dalka.
SPYERA qabanayaa deyn lahayn oo ka masuul ah si xun u kasta ama waxyeelo by our Software ma aha. Waa masuuliyada user final ee inuu adeeco sharciyada ee dalkooda. By iibsiga & degsado SPYERA, aad halkan ku heshiiyaan in ay kor ku xusan.
Waxaa si weyn baraha bulshada u qabsaday dood ka dhalatay hadal uu jeediyay Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo ku dhex jirtay warbixin safarkoodii magaalada Muqdisho iyo Guddiga gurmadka Soomaalida Kenya ay lacagtii loo ururiyay dadkii ku waxyeeloobay qarixii Kenya ay ku wareejiyeen Guddiga Gurmadka. Hadalka Sheekh Umal ee ku saabsan is-casilaadda Wasiiradii Gargaarka iyo maareynta musiibooyinka Maryan Qaasim ayaa yimid kadib markii su’aal laga weydiiyay is-casilaadeedii iyo inay ka timid culimada Guddiga ku jirtay ee howsha kala wareegtay. Sheekha ayaa dadka weydiiyay wasiirada is casishay, wuxuuna ku jawaabay in haddii ay isu casishay shilimaad yar oo dad dhibaateysan loo wado ay ahayd in shaqada laga eryo, wuxuuna sii raaciyay inaysan arrintu sidaas ahayn oo dowladda qeyb weyn ay ka tahay, isla markaana aanay jirin cid shaqo isku heysatay. Waxaa dhacday in hadalka sheekha lagu soo koobay “haddii ay isu casishay shilimaad yar oo dad dhibaateysan loo wado ay ahayd in shaqada laga eryo” iyadoo laga jaray su’aasha iyo hadalkii ka danbeeyay, taasoo keentay in intaas yar ay ka ganacsadaan dadka caadeystay aflagaadada culimada iyo madaxa iyo qaar kale oo ogaal la’aan uga dhex raftay.
Jawaabtii Maryan Qaasim ka bixisay hadallada Sheekh Umal laga faafiyay ayaa ahayd mid kooban iyadoo soo qaadatay Aayad qur’aan ah, taasoo hadda noqoneysa mid iyada xujo u ah oo aanay hubsan hadalka Sheekha oo dhameystiran. HOOS KA DAAWO SU’AASHA IYO JAWAABTA SHEEKHA OO DHAMEYSTIRAN, KADIBNA DAAWO.