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Merge two worksheets in Excel for Mac Merge Tables Wizard app for Mac Merge Tables Wizard app matches and merges data from two worksheets. If you want to update your table with the data from another sheet, this smart tool will do the job perfectly and quickly. It's a user-friendly alternative to Excel Lookup/Vlookup functions. Combine two Excel spreadsheets in 5 quick steps. Auto-detect all matching columns and use one or several key columns as identifiers. Update existing columns in the master worksheet or add new from the lookup table. Add non-matching rows to the end of the table after all other data if needed.
Merge two worksheets in 5 quick steps Suppose you have 2 Excel tables. The first one is your Price list or Master Table. The other one is a list with new prices and updated email addresses from your partner companies. You need to refresh your report with the data from the second table that contains the most recent information. Updating a table can hardly be easier than with the Merge Tables app. Just get it to your Excel for Mac: go to the App Store - click Free - Install App. Open your tables and click through 5 simple steps:.
Select your Master and Lookup Tables. Tick off the columns for comparison or key columns that are the same in both worksheets. Specify which Master Table columns you want to update with the information from the second table. Pick the columns from your Lookup Table that will be added to the end of your main list. Choose additional row and column options to fine-tune the results. No more copying and pasting, no more hardcoding, VBA or complicated Lookup/Vlookup functions! Combine tables and add new rows and columns to your Master Table from the Lookup list Merge Tables app is not only about updating your current rows and columns but also about adding the ones from the other worksheet when necessary.
Add columns to the end of your Master Table. You can choose to add one or several columns from the second table after all columns of your main list. Add non-matching rows to the end of the Master Table. Pick this option if some rows are not present in your main sheet and you want to add them to your table. Add or insert rows with duplicate key values. If your lookup table contains several duplicate key column values, they will not be lost. It's possible to add them to the end of your Master Table for further reviewing and processing or insert them after the same key value in your Master Table.
Merge information and update cells in your main table Merge Tables Wizard app has a number of options to make updating the cells in your main table as flexible as possible. Update values in your Master Table from the Lookup Table.
You can tick off the columns that contain cells you need to update with the new information in your Lookup Table. Thus, you can select which Master Table columns you want to update and which you prefer to leave unchanged. Update only empty and new cells in the Master Table.
If you have some important information in the column you are updating, you can check this option to fill only the empty cells. The existing values in your Master Table will not be overwritten. Update only if cells from the Lookup Table contain data.
Select this option if you may have empty cells in your Lookup Table that you don't want to be copied into your Master Table. Add a finishing touch for easy reviewing and perfect results Finally, you can fine-tune the results by selecting some helpful additional options.
Indicate if your tables have headers. It is also possible to indicate if there are header rows in your tables. As a rule, the add-in indicates headers automatically. If it didn't, you can check the Master Table has headers or Lookup Table has headers options correspondingly. This will make it easier to select columns with common index fields. You can also uncheck these options if you don't want header rows to be indicated. Add the Status column.
If you check this option, MTW Status column will be added to the Master Table. It will show the changes made to the rows and mark rows as: 'Updated', 'Matching and updated', 'Duplicate'. This will help you filter your data for further reviewing. Set background color of updated cells. If you want to set the background color for the updated cells, click the arrow next to the appropriate field and pick a color from the drop-down list. After joining all the updated Excel data in the Master Table will be highlighted with this color and you will easily see the changes.
If you often need to combine two Excel tables, install Merge Tables Wizard app for Mac and enjoy difficulty-proof updating of your worksheets.