Users at NGOHQ have discovered awesome fact – with recent combo ATI + NV PhysX setups are working without need to apply any! Quoting GenL, Hybrid PhysX mod creator I’m seriously amazed seems like you are right! I just didn’t test it yesterday because i saw a user report saying otherwise on another site, but now i’ve tested it by myself on Windows XP and Windows 7 x64 – it really works “ out of the box” with 257.15.
In Windows XP i’ve just extended the fake desktop, and on Windows 7 i created one non-extended – that’s all i needed to get GPU-PhysX working. And even more surprising – timebomb issue is gone too, at least for its normal time interval (30 seconds in FluidMark). Originally, Hybrid PhysX configurations were officially in Q4 2009. Update: video from, showing Hybrid system working with 257.15 drivers. In addition – tests by What’s this – accidental mistake or permanent change, ticket to the bright future for Hybrid PhysX systems? Update #2: unfortunately, this was. Yes, this is a bug in the latest build of PhysX that was packaged with the driver.
We’ll be fixing this issue ASAP – the WHQL driver launching in early June won’t have this issue. Shame on you, Nvidia.
Anyway, we still have mod. Update #3: official statement The fact remains that the investment to do a full QA cycle on this AMD/NVIDIA hybrid GPU configuration is beyond what NVIDIA can support at this time. The cost of maintaining AMD/NVIDIA hybrid configurations is larger than the development expense for PhysX, and I do expect that there are games and configurations where this type of system just won’t work. Use comments to this post to provide your feedback. Recent PhysX drivers 9.10.0222 and 197.xx NV GPU drivers are mostly incompatible with for Hybrid PhysX systems (witch hunt, another round) – using this drivers set will results in Metro 2033 crashes, and performance problems in other PhysX games. However, user Containforum, known for his and, has come out with a solution – he created a “patch”, that resolves performance problems (at least for FluidMark) and allows you to use Hybrid PhysX without necessity to extend display. Update: You can download containforum’s fix 1.02 (25 mb).
GenL mod must be applied firstly. Update #2: comment from GenL Result can’t be called a “patch” anyway. This package contains several unmodified (unpatched) files from PhysX SS v9.09.1112 and v9.10.0129. While this can’t be a proper solution for newer versions of PhysX SS, i’m surprised it worked for people Update #3: only. UPDATE: Hybrid PhysX mod 1.03 – with timebomb fix and lastest drivers support.
It’s recommended to use it with 196.34 drivers and latest PhysX System Software. Please use this post or comment at youtube to report if this fix is working with other GPU PhysX games, or any problems you will encounter. Another nice video guide to systems emerges on YouTube recently. Drivers installation, patching process with and final test in Fluidmark – all in one continuous 10-min video. Despite the fact that guide is Italian, english version of Windows was used, so it’s easy to follow the process just by watching video carefully.
Other guides you may refer to: (Please note that most of them refer to old PhysX mod 1.01 – use 1.02 mod instead, download link above) (video guide) (specific details) (detailed). Hybrid PhysX related article with provoking title “” can be found at Fudzilla today. Article itself is nothing particularly special, from our opinion – only one dedicated PhysX GPU was tested, (while for several months) and (while can be found easily) were used – still, fact that Hybrid PhysX is now recognized by such popular website like Fudzilla, is memorable enough.
Other Hybrid PhysX links you may refer to: Installation instructions – (Please note that most of them refer to old PhysX mod 1.01 – use 1.02 mod instead, download link above) (video guide) (specific details) (Italian video guide) (detailed). Many of you know that so called Hybrid PhysX setups (using ATI GPU for graphics and Nvidia GPU for PhysX – in one system) are by Nvidia. Unofficially – available through. However, all this hacking and patching isn’t appropriate for certain users, not to mention that Nvidia can find a way to block Hybrids completely one day.
New, technology that can split graphics rendering even between ATI and Nvidia GPUs in Multi-GPU setups, was rumored as compromising solution for Hybrid PhysX problem. (can’t say we believed in that). Unfortunatelly, recent tests of MSI Big Bang Fuzion, first motherboard with Hydra Engine inside, have shown finally – No. It’s not working this way. According to by GURU 3D What if you want to enjoy PhysX in X-mode? – well you can’t, as the minute the NVIDIA driver sees an ATI card, it will disable it. User pipnasty from forums has presented fine guide on how to enable setup on single monitor, using dummy VGA plug.
This guide is detailed enough, takes new version of GenL mod into account, and is probably one of the best Hybrid PhysX related articles we’ve seen so far. Other guides you may refer to: (video guide) (Italian video guide) (detailed). Recently, bunch of PhysX related articles have emerged on several chinese websites, like or
They all have similar structure and idea – benchmarks of Nvidia GPUs vs ATI GPUs in games with hardware accelerated PhysX content. Typical result is looking like this. And can mislead inexperienced user – “ How can it be, that low-end GT240 outperforms hi-end HD5850?! Is GT240 better thus?
I’ll buy it as Christmas present instead“. Answer is simple – in ATI’s case supplementary PhysX content is calculated on CPU, while accelerated on GPU in Nvidia case. Therefore, playing with extra GPU PhysX effects enabled on ATI GPU will result in low fps regardless what setup you have – old X1800XT or two HD5970 in crossfire. Appropriate Nvidia GPU – it’s the only way currently to enjoy games with GPU PhysX support.
Is it worth?. And don’t forget compromising solution -, but popular.
Related articles:. It seems that today Hybrid ATI+NV PhysX systems (ATI GPU for graphics, Nvidia GPU for PhysX) are even more popular than Ageia PPUs in their time. Not officially supported (and chased) by Nvidia, such configurations. This time, our colleagues from have published in Batman: Arkham Asylum built-in benchmark.
To built a Hybrid PhysX System, you’ll need mobo with two PCI-E slots (regardless to SLI/Crossife support; PCI-Ex8/x4 ), appropriate Nvidia GPU (something like 9600/GT240), Win XP/Win 7 OS and PhysX mod 1.02, which you can download. Installation instructions – (Please note that most of them refer to old PhysX mod 1.01 – use 1.02 mod instead, download link above) (video guide) (Italian video guide) (detailed).